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The Glossary


Welcome to the PC help site. Here I will attempt to provide and answer many of your questions. Throughout this site, you will find many answers to common computer and internet questions as well as America Online information, viruses and some online tutoring. You will also see throughout the site words or phrases that you may not be familiar with. If I think they are an important word/phrase that you should learn, it will be hyper linked (underlined) so you can click on it and it will take you to the glossary page. Here you will get definitions to many terms used in today's computer and technology world. Have fun and happy learning!


Throughout this site you will find may terms and words that you aren't familiar with. They will be underlined as described above. A hyperlink. By clicking on these phrases, it will take you to the glossary page, which will explain that phrase.

To begin your excursion. Pick a topic on your left.  There are 3 categories there.

  1.  PC-101 - this will take you on a basic tour of your computer.
  2. News & Stuff - here you will get information on Viruses, Rumors on the internet and Do's & Don'ts.
  3. The Glossary - This is a glossary of words, terms and phrases used in the computer world (well not all, but enough)


If all else fails and you cannot find the answers you are looking for you can email me here...

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Copyright © 2000 SpyderWeb Consulting
Last modified: November 17, 2000